By lizzie_birkett

The Same But Different

Everything is different and yet everything's the same
The sky is blue, the sun shines,
The grey clouds gather and it rains
I tell Bella to come along and we'll go for a little trot
She sniffs the lamp posts and daffodils
Then wees on her usual spot

The houses look the same, I see them most days
The ornaments in the windows
Kids playing on the pathways
People wave, as usual but don't come near like they did
Instead they shout across
'Are you well? It's a bugger this Covid'

Now the pubs and cafes are shut,  no services at the church
I wonder how many brides and grooms
Will now be left in the lurch
In the shops, no baby food or Calpol, mums are going frantic
No loo paper, soap or food
Not the time to be choosy or pedantic!

The news is all bad and the internet rife with rumours
Conspiracy theories abound
But still we keep our humour
Now life has changed completely in just a matter of weeks
We look to each other for answers
Look perplexed when the leaders speak

The kitchen window is open, I hear the blackbird's song
He's sitting in the plum tree
How have things gone so wrong
The world still looks the same, just as I said at the start
Will things go back to how they were
Or will we learn? Make things better?
I pray with all my heart ❤️

Stay safe, with Love
Lizzie Birkett 17th March 2020

My daughter phoned to say that the Time Capsule Skating Rink (Glasgow) is closed indefinitely. Tonight was Amelia's last skate. She was due to do her first competition in Blackpool in April - all cancelled. She and her fellow skaters have been practicing 5-6 times a week for it. They are all so upset :-(
I feel so sad for them but also for the coaches who are all self employed and have been working 7 days a week to get them all up to competition standard.
They may not skate for a year!

The photo is not good - maybe change it tomorrow;-)

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