The Birthday Princess

This morning I took mum to Tesco’s to get her stocked up on food, I don’t think she’s grasped the fact that she can’t keep popping to the shops. Well now she has no need to, I bought her a couple of packs of chicken breasts, fish, sausages and pork chops and have separated them all into individual portions and put them in her freezer. She’s got frozen veg, etc and luckily I managed to get some long life milk. We also met her neighbour who is happy to get anything else she needs and I will also set up online shopping for her. I don’t know when I’ll see her again as we go into self isolation but I’ll be speaking to her lots on the phone.

I’ve had a few comments that indicate people feel I was irresponsible making this trip, but when you live a long way from your family and are unable to do things for them, I feel this was a very necessary trip and I can go home knowing I’ve done the best that I could. we said our farewells, Alan dropped me off at Rachel’s and he went to see his parents for a few hours and then joined me at Rachel’s.

Little Violet was 4 today and handled the fact of having her party cancelled really well. She understands it’s because of the virus and we’ve told her that she’s like the Queen and will have two birthdays, her other will be as soon as this crisis is over. So we celebrated as a family, sang happy birthday to her and ate cake so she still had a lovely day and lots of presents.

Tonight it was like having the last supper, we ordered an Indian takeaway and had Prosecco - I’m not sure when we’ll all be sat round the table together next. So as the UK closed its doors to most things, stay safe and stay well x

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