Bagpipes on Seaford Head

Lockdown 3 - Day 75

I had a really rough night last night and didn't sleep very well, Alan said I was groaning a lot, and I was very clammy.  I got up to the toilet at 4am and felt very dizzy, and this morning I struggled to get out of bed - I've also got inflamed lymph nodes in my neck, which I got after the first vaccine, but they're more defined this time.

It’s Violet’s 5th birthday today, so Rach FaceTimed us this morning. It’s such a shame as this is her second lockdown birthday, hopefully next year she’ll get to have a party.

I was due to meet Alison for a walk at 9am but I cancelled as I just didn't have the energy.   I had to go to Sainsbury's though, so Alan took me, and then we went for a stroll along Seaford seafront.  We walked up the first bit of Seaford Head to enjoy the view, and while we were there, this guy walked onto the top of the cliff and started playing his bagpipes - it's not what you expect to see round here.

When we got home, Alan mowed the grass for the first time this year, and I trimmed back some plants 
and then just relaxed for the rest of the afternoon/evening.

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