The Drinkaware app

I don't want to bang on about this - not least because I doubt it's an app that will work for everyone - but, on a whim, I downloaded the Drinkaware app just over eight weeks ago and it has *really* worked for me. 

I am literally too embarrassed to tell you about some of the spreadsheets that I keep and their antiquity but suffice to say I am someone for whom tracking things works. 

Back to the app: for a start, it is not perfect by a long chalk. For example, it only really works in terms of data comparison for progress once you've been using it for 28 days and then even better after 56.

But it has undoubtedly had a major effect on limiting how much I drink on the evenings when I am drinking and has introduced many more non drinking days into my life. (In fact, I actually had a drink one evening to break a run of non-drinking days because I could feel myself getting slightly obsessed.)

Anyway, I've finally found a way to moderate my drinking and that is just what I wanted (and needed!). 

-9.7 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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