
By K9tam

Self isolating.

Self isolating or social distancing? Seems these are the phrases of 2020, along with “Keep safe”. Still trying to get my head round what’s happening. Even though we had plenty of pre warnings about this catastrophe, somehow it’s happening so fast it’s hard to take in.

I went out this afternoon to try and find something to photograph and was amazed at the amount of people out and about mingling. The children’s park was heaving, there were teenagers practicing their dance moves by the pond, a pond that was cordoned off with warnings not to enter as work was being done. Goodness knows how they’d got in. I’ve no idea how teenagers are going to be ‘contained’ at this time. Teenagers will be teenagers!

I didn’t find anything inspiring to photograph so Ali in a crate it is. Extra is Kiri in same crate.

Had some FaceTime with grandchildren. Extra is Reggie and his two silly grandparents! Sadly, this will be our way of communicating for some time to come.

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