Lala's Journal

By Lala


Some things remain the same and the photos taken this evening are of the ISS. I took a series and the first one is the lower picture with the ISS right in the centre, top left I zoomed as it came overhead. Not bad for a phone camera.

A miserable day to be honest. I spent two hours on THE laptop this morning and with the limited Word thing that I have managed half a page of a Leeds Castle at Home resource that we could use over social media. Kimberley has advised me of a web site that may be better so will try that tomorrow. 

Scan done, results next week although the lady did say there wasn’t anything glaring except for some historic scarring on my kidney.

Tonight we are on lockdown. Only able to go out for essential food supplies and one walk a day. One! I know I will get my head round it soon, but it’s all so alien and strange. We have been totally unable to get Mr L’s soap so that he doesn’t get an eczema flare up but this evening I found a four pack on Amazon - £14!! Oh boy it’s usually about £5. Some people are making money! 

Regular readers, if you are on facebook it would be great if you could like our education page and maybe even some of the posts. We are trying to get resources out there, linked to the castle for all the parents now in charge of their children’s schooling. Leeds Castle Education
Thank you. 

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