Lala's Journal

By Lala


Photo from my one hour out this morning. We are lucky to live in such a quiet area with not many people most of the time. I went to the local store for milk first, but having watched the news tonight and the rate of escalation I am not going to the shop again until absolutely necessary. 

I managed better with the online publishing site that was recommended and produced a worksheet, just not sure it is what Kimberley was after. I also called three quarters of the team and checked in with them, the rest tomorrow. Stalker is having a new bathroom fitted and I hope for her sake the job gets done! Suzanne is self isolating in her bedroom! She has been contacted as one of the people most at risk, and her daughter came home from London just before the lockdown began. So Suzanne is confined to the bedroom for seven days. Sean has now developed a chesty cough and sounded quite wheezy, fingers crossed it doesn’t became more serious. Everyone else ok and all of them said they had been gardening. Made me feel lazy, so I created a plan for tomorrow to include grass cutting and a bit of weeding. I am better at coping when I have a plan!

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