The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Me Me Me

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was Mother’s Day and I really did feel spoiled. The Mini Princesses got up early to made pancakes for breakfast which was lovely. We used to have pancakes for breakfast every Sunday but sometimes I have had lunch before The Eldest Mini Princess is awake!

The 4 of us took Murphy out for a walk. I felt very lucky to live so close to green space which is quiet enough to allow people to walk safely.

I met Mary Doll and Victor for another walk this afternoon (at a safe 2 m distance). They are finally taking the situation seriously and staying at home other than a cycle every day. I knew Mary Doll would con Victor into going cycling with her eventually. I didn’t think she’d resort to the extreme of a global pandemic!

When I came home, we had a game of Trivial Pursuit (a Mother’s Day present) which was good fun and no one even fell out!

I had a brilliant day.


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