The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Back Again

Dear O'H dear,

Bella decided that the new chicken wire on the fence was simply another challenge and presented herself at the door. We couldn’t even find where she had managed to break through. As Jenny put it so succinctly - ‘Houdini is back’.

Murphy has warmed to her and decided that playing with her is acceptable. Possibly even fun. He let her play with his toys without getting annoyed, although he was a bit perplexed when she went all doggy temptress. Poor Bella, the only balls Murphy has are made of plastic and squeak.

Most of the day was spent pottering. The Prince was out in the evening so we had a girly night watching The Dark Horse which is really good. I love pottering with Jenny. I am going to ask Santa for a transporter this Christmas so Murphy and I can beam over to New Zealand. He is long overdue a sausage naan!


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