
Dan has been off school since Wednesday; the new rules around self-isolation meant that there weren't enough teachers to keep the school open. On Thursday he and some of his friends went up to the top of the hill behind Barbon and yesterday he went up into the hills behind Kendal with some other friends.

He's rather surprised me with this desire to get outdoors but he is quite clear that he doesn't want spend all day cooped up indoors and today he and I went for a walk out along Barbondale. It was very blustery but otherwise pleasant and we had an enjoyable hour or so in one another's company before I dropped him home (with minutes to spare before his mum arrived back from Cape Town!).

The Minx and I should have been in Düsseldorf, this weekend, which was intended to be my birthday surprise but that's all been knocked on the head by the coronavirus. Still, we had an enjoyable evening together in front of the fire, watching '24 Hour Party People'.

-9.9 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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