
So, earlier today the pubs were not yet fully closed and we were still only being advised not to go to them, which has seemed sensible if a little halfhearted as a policy: even the prime minister's father said he'd still be going out for a drink. 

Milly let me know during the afternoon that The Lunesdale Arms - where she works during the holidays - were now offering takeaway pizzas so we decided to have some for dinner both to support the pub and because their pizzas are excellent. 

However, after the birthday celebrations, yesterday, and faced with the (pleasant) prospect of pizza, this evening, I decided I needed to burn off a few calories, so I did the run down to Devil's Bridge and along to Underley (just over three miles all in). I took this photo from the bridge just after you enter the estate. (We rented a farmhouse on the estate for a few years in the nineties and the girls would play pooh sticks here.)

Once I was home and showered, we went to collect the pizzas. There were a few other people there, too, all maintaining their distance and enjoying a drink. We joined them while we were waiting and it turned out to be our last chance to do so for a while; we arrived home to the news that all pubs are being closed. 

I know it's hard work running a pub, bar or restaurant, and I've been impressed over the last few days by the enterprising methods people in hospitality have employed in order to adjust - like with the takeaway pizzas - and it must be heartbreaking to be told to close down like this. On the other hand, I can see it's the right decision (even if it should have been done before now). 

-9.6 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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