
They say Gin is Mother’s Ruin, but in my case it’s Cadbury’s Milk Chocolate.
I know exactly why it’s so moreish- all that fat and sugar makes it so much more irresistible than dark chocolate with its very high proportion of cocoa solids. The only way to avoid over indulging is not to buy it in the first place, but in times of stress I find it worming its way into my shopping basket unchecked..... and the rest is history.

But really, if I have to be holed up in isolation , a few squares of unhealthy chocolate makes all the difference to my mood which a carrot certainly doesn’t. The trouble arises with what constitutes a few squares. What my brain considered yesterday as a reasonable number was not considered so this morning by the bathroom scales. Desperate times require desperate measures....... but not before I put the rest of this bar of chocolate out of its misery.

And why today do we have to put up with a dismal damp dreich day up here in the Central belt when other places enjoy sunshine? A case of double awfulness.

I would love to join in the Classic FM generated big clapping session at 8 pm for the NHS workers but the Dower House faces the wrong way....... Maybe I’ll just clap into the mist over the Meadows..

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