Isolated in the Mist
The weather up here in the Central Belt is not cooperating with the feelings engendered by imposed isolation. While it seems most of the UK enjoys bright sunny spring weather we in Edinburgh at least are shrouded in a wet mist brought in on a cold east wind. Under these circumstances, there is no appetite to make the most of the exercise provision allowable under the present constraints, so this Lady, and I guess a whole lot more people here, are wondering what makes life worth living. Sunshine is that word .
I find it faintly ironic that our Prime Minister and Health Minister have both succumbed to Covid-19 and perhaps the rest of the Cabinet will follow suit too, and then where will we be? Up the creek without a paddle perhaps.
The good things coming out of this imposed restriction on my movement are
a) I can slope about the house wearing anything or nothing ( probably not the latter because it’s too cold) b) since nobody is allowed in to see me, then standards of cleanliness are arbitrary and declining fast. c) I have heard from friends near and far who have phoned including my 100+ friend who phoned me this afternoon for an hour’s chat.
People on the whole are so kind. The exception being the person who has hacked my Facebook account and created problems for me. I hope he/ she gets the Covid-virus, having given me the internet one.
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