
By MumOf4Wildlings

Wrapped up

The little jedi hasn't been himself today . His temperature has been dropping quite low. He has spent the day wrapped up in a wooly sweater, hat and blanket and has slept for most of the day. He also has a little cough. I phoned the doctor for advice but they have just said to keep a eye on him.

Xander started his Egyptian project this morning. He's like a sponge . He also did some writing, maths and computer work. Harp and linc decided to colour themselves in . Lol.

I'm in a neighborhood WhatsApp which is really quite good. Considering I don't see anyone now and this group is great for my morale. I'm quite a extrovert so I'm missing human contact.
We had been talking about baking and I mentioned that I had to bin my hand mixer yesterday as it broke. My neighbours husband then left a Kenwood mixer on my porch. It was their old one and is about 50years old. But it's perfect. The first thing I have made with it was a whipped coffee.

I hope you have all had a good day. X

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