Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Self Isolation Day 12

I took Archie round the block this morning and went a wee bit further, so that was my one walk. (3331 steps) 

Round the corner, I spotted the same builders that I’d (jokingly) admonished yesterday for not being the required 2 metres apart. One of them spotted me and shouted (with a big grin on his face)  * 'Right, missus. Ah dinnae want tae see ye oot an aboot agen today, or ah'll hav tae report ye tae the polis.'

Standards are slipping... the rot is setting in. JR did not get up till 10.30. And that was even without breakfast in bed! She did take Archie for a walk around the Meadows this afternoon. This weather does not help. We've been shrouded in mist and drizzle for a few days now, which adds to the gloom.

Out of jim-jams: 9.30am
Back into jim-jams: 3.30pm

JR, up and dressed, is gazing out of the window at the drizzle while warming up at the fire (that was the best thing we did - getting rid of the wood burner!) Archie sees that I’ve picked up the camera(phone). Good boy.

The Prime minister, the Chief Medical Officer and the Secretary of State for Health have all tested positive for the virus. Have they not been following their own advice?.

* 'Good morning, madam. I'm sure I won’t see you again today, as this will be your one and only walk, so I won’t need to report you to the Police.'

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