It's a cat's life

Tux and Flea aren't bothered; life continues pretty much as normal for them. Except, by a happy accident of the weather, with a lot more sunshine than we've had for a while. And that's certainly making the whole lockdown more tolerable as the state-advocated daily exercise is so much more enjoyable in the sun.

This afternoon, after I'd finished work, Dan and I went for a walk down to Devil's Bridge (see extra) and then up 'round the back of Casterton. These walks have been a wonderful silver lining to the lockdown. I love his easy company and, happily, he seems to enjoy mine, too. 

We had a beer on the deck when we got back home and then he went down to his mum's for a barbecue while I enjoyed FaceTime sessions with Charlie and Dom. Dom posted a poem on Instagram, this morning, which I enjoyed so much that I asked him to send me a recording of him reading it. I feel the faint stirrings of musical inspiration. (I would be stunned if they come to anything, mind you.)

I hope you're all staying well x

-9.6 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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