
I went for a run before work, this morning, following the route that Dan and I walked yesterday afternoon, just running a bit further out, as far as Casterton school, before turning back. 

I was running up the A65 from Devil's Bridge at around a quarter to nine, which, as you'd imagine, would normally be a pretty busy time of time of day for traffic but only a handful of cars went past me. (That's where I stopped to take this photo.)

As for the rest of the day, I had a video call with a new client, so I trimmed my beard so that I didn't look too lunatic and, actually, I felt a lot better for it. Other than that, it was the new routine: quite a few phone calls and working from the dining room table. 

Dan and Abi came up to the house late afternoon, so we walked around to Booths to get pizzas for dinner. Booths were operating a 'one in, one out' policy to keep the number of people in the store down, which is a new thing, but there was no actual queue, so that felt OK, and Dan and Abi waited outside while I shopped. 

And the restriction clearly was to minimise the number of people in the shop as there was plenty of food, so that was reassuring, too. Although it does only seem to me who is feeling a little anxious; Dan and Abi were as cheerful and funny as usual and that makes me happy. 

-10.1 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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