Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bring on the Warblers

Meet YardBird # 17 and a new arrival, the Pine Warbler.  I was in the kitchen this morning when a flash of yellow in the garden caught my eye.  Too yellow to be a goldfinch this early in the year...could it be...might it be...a spring warbler?  To my delight, he stayed around all day, visiting the suet and sunflower hearts, holding his own against the testy goldfinches, and giving me several good opportunities for photos.  

Pine warblers arrive earlier that most of the other summer warblers here; even so, this seems a little earlier than usual.  No matter, I'll take it.

It was glorious today - sunny with temps in the low 60's.  Which meant that most of the day was spent outside, away from the news, facebook, etc.  Hubs and I went to the park for a long walk, and I spent a lot of time in the hide and in the garden.  

The news about Covid 19 continues to be very grim.  And some people continue to think this is "no big deal".  I am very glad to be living in a state with a governor who is proactive.  I'd rather be under stay-at-home orders than the seeming free-for-all I see in some other states.  

Hubs is the designated shopper so off he went early this morning armed with shopping lists from SIL and I.  I manned the "decontamination station" when he got home, washing and/or wiping down everything that came in before stashing it.  I think we have enough to get us through a week without going to the store again, which is a relief.  

You know the drill ... be safe, stay out of crowds, wash your hands, be kind.


Covid 19 Stats
Positive cases in NJ as of 2PM today - 8,825
Deaths in NJ - 108
Positive cases in Sussex County - 65

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