...deep and crisp and even......

Went in to work this morning....was instantly turned around and sent back home....I must have looked like crap!

Brought home a pile of books to mark...will work my way through them this weekend.

Snoozed on the sofa for a while so as not to disturb the Boss who was having a long lie in due to starting three night shifts tonight.....had some lunch....marked some books.

About 4.00 the S & H phoned to say they were picking up their new car and would be dropping in to see us on the way home.....five minutes later it started snowing....ten minutes later they phoned again to say they were going straight home!

It has snowed non-stop for about 7 hours....the Daughter was late home from work....the Boss set off early for work...there's about 7 inches on the ground and it's forecast to continue until about 4.00 a.m! This is the daughter...desperate to make a snow angel.....but she will have to wait until the morning.

None of the roads appear to have been gritted!

Will the Boss get home in the morning?
Will I get to meet up with the boys?
Will the S & H, YH and Charlie get over here to go sledging?

One thing I do know....no-one is going fishing this weekend!

Will I be able to get to the North east on Sunday for the funeral on Monday?

I'm just going outside....and may be some time.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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