
By Fisherking

....who wrote the book.....

So.....the snow stopped just before 04.00 this morning....I know because I was looking out of the window at the time....and it almost instantly started to thaw.

No trip to the fishing shop....but I got up early any way....the Boss arrived home around 08.00 and couldn't get her car on the drive. So out came the snow shovel....and I cleared the drive. the Boss went off to bed!

The S & H phoned around 09.00 to say they were on their way over.They arrived, got changed and the three of the daughter went off hour or so later they were back...cold and wet but exhilarated.

We had lunch and then the S & H announced he was off out for a haircut......10 minutes later he was back asking for a push.....his snow driving isn't all it could be.

When he got back they spent the afternoon lounging around.

The daughter made spag bol for dinner....the Boss roused herself for work.....and thS &H, YH and Charlie headed for home (after eating)...five minutes later he was back asking for a push. We all went to help....but it was no good his car wouldn't move.......that was when I noticed that his back wheels weren't turning! Cars generally move easier if you remember to take the hand brake off! Off they set.

The Boss went to work.

It started to rain....heavy rain.

The daughter decided to nip to the shop.....five minutes later she was back needing a push....I tried but she wasn't going I pointed out that she could reverse back to the clear space outside the neighbours and start from she went....but she did come back with chocolate for me as a thankyou.

What else did I do today? Hmm let me see....cleared snow....pushed three cars....emptied the dish washer...loaded the dishwasher....and something else....oh yeah .......marked all 53 of these year 7 Science books....two weeks work on human reproduction!

Teachers....easy life or what?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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