
By bananablip


The first non-sunny day in isolation, plus the fact that I may have totally overdone it on the exercise front last week, meant that I stayed in bed for far longer than I’d care to admit today. It definitely felt more like lockdown and less like a holiday today, which is probably a good thing in encouraging people to stay indoors.

My daily dose of exercise was a much more serene walk along the river today, stopping off at the petrol station because I keep underestimating how much chocolate is required for isolation. I’ve enjoyed showing my friends in Canada and America a bit of Shropshire on our video chats this week which has been nice. So far they’ve seen the Quarry Park, some Shropshire Hills and today was the River Severn and the birthplace of Charles Darwin!

A more melancholic day today, but still so grateful for so many things. There is still joy to be found all around, even in the midst of hard times.

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