
By bananablip

New norm

A week ago none of us had even heard of zoom, now it’s all we know!

Another day in the new norm and patterns and rhythms are starting to emerge. I love a gentle morning: reading, prayer, breakfast and yoga and still at the desk for 9am. I’m realising how grateful I am for this house now more than ever: to have the spare room to be used as an office and a garden to escape into. I keep thinking about what lockdown in the flat would have been like.

Lunch in the garden (how will I cope next week when the weather changes?), a bit more work and then my daily dose, this time on the bike. So fortunate to live in beautiful Shropshire where it’s so easy to escape from our front doors.

It’s been nice to have a stream of chats going all through the day and then a zoom call this evening with the uni gang.

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