Green colour pop

D and H face timed us last night. It was a lovely surprise and we had a good catch up. I can't think about when we will see each other next I miss them all lots.

I've decided to try and keep a better record of what I do on these strange surreal days..

We walked upThe Dandy and surrounding woodlands adding over 5,000 steps to my fitness tariff. The Dandy path (old rail track), was quite busy, but the labyrinth of path in the woodlands was quiet. each plot has a name for example Pennsey Wood and Danny Wood etc. Apparently you can buy plots for around £34,000, probably about 3 acres in size. You can't build on these, and it's not for me, but I like wondering round.

I tidied up the bit of the front garden under the window. This involved rubbish sorting and leaf sweeping. I noticed some of my pots were very dry, I'll need to water then soon.
Mum had her first walk out today following her 14 days self isolation on return from Spain, we chatted on the phone later.

Charlotte FaceTimed. Toria and some fellow musicians performed 'Where have all the Flowers gone" on you tube.
Will has been on his "League" game and he made his own meals.
Tom and I ate slow cooked lamb with buttery mash for dinner - absolutely delicious.

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