The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Lockdown Day 5

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was slightly dreading the weekend to be honest* but we have had a really nice day. The Youngest Mini Princess and I made banana bread and the four of us sat at the table playing games and cards.

We wanted to make the weekend feel different so we had Saturday pizza night and watched A Quiet Place. The Prince wasn’t wild about it (the film, he was quite happy with the pizza) but The Princess contingent loved it. I expected scary but I hadn’t expected it to be so sad. There may have been leakage!

I am loving spending more time together as a family. I know it will be challenging when we get further down the path but I am going to take every piece of joy on the way.


*I feared cabin fever - Murphy still can’t be walked and The Browns aren’t working this weekend so we don’t have Bella.

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