Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 12 Home alone

Another day of working from home. I did what is starting to become the new norm: exercise bike, cleaning, school work, reading and then a slightly longer walk with Chris when he got home. I finally ordered a new fence panel to replace the one that was damaged by one of the early storms that now seem a dim and distant memory. Having so much time does mean that little jobs that I don't have the time or the headspace for when I'm working, are now getting done. I'm actually starting to wonder how I ever found the time for work when there's so much to do!
Dan has been having a good tidy up/sort out in his room over the last few days and he finally finished the job today. He hasn't seen his girlfriend for over a week but seems to be coping well with it. They've been together for nearly 5 years so it must feel strange to him.
Chris's dad came out of his nursing home today. He's been in and out of hospital since Christmas and stayed at Chris's sister's for about a month too before going into the nursing home. They needed to free up his bed and they also had a case of coronavirus in there so they needed to move him quickly as he has COPD. He's having a 24 hour carer and some equipment had been brought in in preparation. Gill had spent time at the bungalow sorting it out, cleaning it and getting some shopping in for the return. She left around lunchtime and her friend popped over a bit later to bring a new kettle over as theirs was leaking and she discovered Graham sitting alone in the kitchen. He'd been dropped off a couple of hours before the carer was due to arrive. Chris's mum is also coming home soon but better access is needed to the bungalow and a separate care plan needs putting in place for her too. All very complicated!

The picture is my Mother's day flowers that are still going strong. I've thrown most of them away but these are still beautiful. I'm trying a yellow theme this week for spring and positivity.

Unfortunately there were 563 deaths in the UK today, the highest yet, bringing total deaths to

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