
We did a software demo, this afternoon, with a Trust in the south west. Previously, they'd been keen for us to go and see them rather than doing an online demo, which suited me; I've always preferred 'face to face' with new or potential clients. 

When they got in touch a few days ago, I assumed it'd be to cancel or defer the demo but they were very happy to proceed with an online session. And it went really well. Everyone seems to be more positive about video now. 

Something has changed around this, I think. I mean, I've had FaceTime on my devices for as long as I can remember but I've never used it much and certainly not to have a (remote) coffee or glass of wine with as friend. Now I'm doing it pretty much every day. What would have seemed odd before is becoming quotidian.

Dan came up after I finished work so we could take our now daily walk. Today we went out through Kearstwick and up Hophouse Lane, where I took this photo of a farmer dusting his field. (I've no idea what with!).

-11.3 kgs
Reading: 'Kraftwerk: Future Music From Germany' by Uwe Schütte

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