A windy walk

We got out a bit later today hoping the fierce wind would ease a bit but it didn’t. We met a couple I usually would have seen in the gym out for their walk so had a chat at a safe distance. Which now might mean even further than 2 metres.

Today we headed along to Physic Lane via West Hills and down to Thropton. We took a path by the river and home by Tosson Mill and Lady Bridge where we saw this sign. It seemed apt. Capitalism is Killing the planet (and ourselves it appears).

Just as I got home our dear neighbour from when we lived in Suffolk phoned for a chat. All well with her son and family in France. She is aiming to talk to a friend every day. That seems a good plan, or FaceTime etc.

I found the press cutting about Dad rescuing a chap from the fire in a box where I had some of his things. I might blip it.

I don’t seem to be achieving a lot since this thing started. I suppose jobs expand to fill the time available.

Yesterday was a bit fraught but I seem to have got through to Mr C to furlough himself from hunter-gatherer duties. He agreed (eventually) we should order food through the council scheme and get it delivered. (Hopeless trying to get Supermarket slots) which I did last night. Watch this space - we’ll see how that works tomorrow.

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