Chilly walk

A shorter walk while Mr C was potting up tomatoes. I went on the moor but came down a quicker way as I was expecting a phone GP consultation. However she rang earlier than expected so I had to shelter behind a rock out of the wind. She told me the xrays I had a couple of months ago showed I had osteoarthritis in both knees. Normally I’d get an appointment with physio to get some exercises to built up surrounding muscles but she said there would be “most probably 3 months before NHS were doing one to one consultations”. as we expected, maybe a long time before close contact with others can come about.

When I got back the Co-op shopping via NCC and volunteers had arrived. No flour, lentils, aubergines etc. But wayhay a Guardian! Sliced white bread, 4 bananas, small box grapes. 3 red onions, plain yogurt, milk, 3 red peppers. Have to put in delivery by Tuesday for next week, so we’ll try again. We pay the council.

Had a lovely chat on Zoom with some of the book group to see how it went before we talk about the book next week.

I found old diaries from aged 9-18 so I’m going to have a busy time on the memoirs!

Tonight I chatted on What’s App to the children who had had a busy day enacting Battle of Hastings with their toys. William/Ella still won, despite Nathaniel/Harold having the power of the rocking horse. No soft toys were critically harmed in the making of the video.

Have a good weekend folks.

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