Don't be like that ... give us a kiss!

A frustrating day trying to do the impossible with Mail Chimp - but try and try again resulted in nearly what we wanted. It will be easier next time!  
Having had a brief call from my daughter with shopping dropped off in the porch I felt a bit fed up and then a chat with my mum, who was also fed up didn't really help! 
So after sharing half a packet of chocolate hob nobs with my husband I set off on a brisk walk and bumped into these two horses - obviously having a similar day. I walked and walked and now feel infinitely better. I found paths I haven't been on before and watched the birds flying and calling to each other overhead.
The good news today though can be seen in the poor quality extra. Having put up the bird boxes last week I didn't think we would have any takers this year but this Blue Tit has been investigating for the last few days and today popped in briefly followed by its pal. They left and I'm assuming are weighing it up, maybe they had other properties to see today. I'll wait to hear from the agent!! 

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