By lizzie_birkett

The Veg Plot

After baking some little rhubarb cakes this morning (a recipe shared by a friend on FB) I spent the rest of the day working in the garden. I got loads done and also I asked Frank to make me some wooden plant boxes from the scrap wood that was lying about so that if and when we go down to the boat we can just take some veg plants with us. He made three - one now has onion sets in it and one lettuces. I'll decide what to put in the other when some other seeds come up.
I planted the blackcurrant bush that Ann across the road gave me and the blueberry bush I bought from the garden centre; I wish I'd bought another 1 or 2 as when I read the label it says you get a better crop when there is more than one bush.
As there is no frost forecast for the next two weeks I have put the courgette plant out I will be sowing more seeds just in case but I also have garden fleece I can cover it with.

I hardly thought of Covid-19 while I was working - it's a welcome escape.

I just took Bella out for her bedtime wee and Venus is so bright up there and the moon was glowing behind a cloud. How can all this be going on down here when up there everything is as beautiful as ever? What have we done to this planet and its inhabitants? I pray that there will be positive changes after this awful time. It must surely be a wake up call. It's like our beautiful planet has had enough and is telling us to stop.
Stop plundering the earth, stop killing everything that moves,
Stop killing each other, stop polluting the air, the land and the sea. Humans think everything is there for the taking. How arrogant we are as a species.

I've come down off my soapbox now!
So goodnight and stay safe my friends.

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