As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


I woke up at 6:00 this morning to get ready to be picked up by Perri and head all the way out east to Brookhaven National Laboratory for the United States Department of Energy's Regional Quiz Bowl. After Jake took forever to come outside, we stopped at Town Bagel and ran into some MacArthur contestants. The drive was a little over an hour and I had a fun time riding shotgun. Perri missed our exit on the LIE because I looked down for two seconds, but we still made it to the lab early. We met McG there and went over the rules. At the introductory proceedings we were delightfully surprised to hear the Bellport wasn't coming. They were in our division so we had one less team to play! We count that as a win in our books. After some poor judging, we just barely beat South Side in our first round. In our second round we were this close to beating North Shore, but we just couldn't reach them. We lost to Townsend-Hillside just before lunch. At least lunch was delicious and free. We took a team picture, listened to the announcement of the division winners, and then left. The ride home felt a lot faster than the way there. Once I got home I ate and played League of Legends. I ate dinner and then met Kenny to walk the dog with him. After that I got to work on SciOly and researched every mammal on the list for Triple E. Alyssa will be so proud (and hopefully Jonathan, too). I just played the cello for an hour, including 15 minutes of three-octave scales. Who even am I?

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