River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Plants in Cracks ...

... and a chrysalis!
Sunny & pleasant all day, temperature in low 20s Centigrade.
My plan was to reduce number of plants in pots & to get them all onto the large trays for ease of watering & to move them all near the greenhouse to enable me to create my veggies/salads area near the house - sorted!!
Lovely phone chat with our T, love to everyone xx
MrD connected the long hosepipe & I watered everything this evening.
Finished watching “London Kills” on iPlayer, gripping stories, well thought out and lots of cliffhangers - hope there’s a third series.
Started watching “Rocketman” which I’m really enjoying, thanks to my daughter for recommending it :-))) xxx
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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