Signs of the Times

Notes from the front line: I scored 2 gallons of distilled water at our market!!  Senior hour at 745 was a little too hectic, even with a cap on the number of people allowed inside. Lots of folks with masks, but lots without, and not much distancing, especially where the aisles ended at the meat counter. I expected more of our old people. We were very organized—he took the right side of the store and I took and left and we met in the middle—and got out fast, but it was crazy making. It felt like we were holding our breath the entire time we were in the store. Got everything but flour, which seems to be in short supply everywhere. I would say flour is the new toilet paper, but that could easily be misinterpreted.

What struck me about today’s three photos is that they all feature the color beige. I probably noticed that because I’m taking an on-line painting class and the instructor was talking about color harmony and dominant colors this morning. 

The lion is our neighbor’s offering to the Teddy-Bear-In-A-Window project that gives kids something amusing to look at if they are lucky enough to get out for a walk. My inner kid was delighted!

The wisteria house is something I’ve blipped before, probably every year at this time, because it is so spectacular. Today’s photo features a Volvo station wagon—another riff on ExtraDays’ entries.

And the marquee is a memory shot just for me. 

Day 24

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