Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Baked Frogs

Yesterday I baked scones, the scones were supposed to be frogs but the green powdered food colouring didn't survive the oven temperature. So I guess I just made monsters. Tasty tasty monsters.

This evening we ventured out together for the first time in nearly 3 weeks. A lovely evening stroll up Craiglockhart Hill. Met several other people but we were all very good at flinging ourselves in to the road or bushes 10m ahead of any meeting.

Saw lots of birds but also a field vole which let us stand and watch it for a while. I was like a kid in a sweet shop being out surrounded by nature. Look at the trees! Look at the flowers! Oooh the gorse! The sky! The breeze! That smell of outside!

I am not an indoor person, it's so difficult to be inside, but 110% essential!

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