....Ooh baby Blue...........

Another busy day at work, 3 leesons taught, all next weeks lessons planned and equipment ordered, all reports completed, a 2 1/2 hour Parents Evening....now all I have to do tomorrow is go for a blood test, teach two lessons, write the "blurb" for GCSE Science for the options booklet, enter all the data for my form's attendance, punctuality and homwork record and any other odd thing that lands with a crunch on my desk.

Home tonight to find Charlotte and Mummy and Daddy, every one had eaten, mine was keeping warm in the oven. Had to be eaten before 8.00 p.m.....tomorrow's blood test is a fasting one, so nothing to eat or drink until it's been done in the morning.

The Boss is off to her dad's again tomorrow, so a restless night coming up and then a hectic weekend to follow before back to work on Monday. baby sitting Saturday Evening............no fishing on Sunday.........Chinese New Year in Manchester....then a BBQ birthday party.

This Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle is killing me!

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