Working fae Hame

A fairly calm day, slight breeze tonight.  A gorgeous day of sunshine, a bit cloudy in the late afternoon, and warm in the sun.  

Up early and spent the morning at work.  I took the afternoon off again, and working tonight.  I took advantage of the fine day, with 3 loads of washing.  One load of clothes, then curtains, and then the couch woollen blankets.  I spent a few hours in the garden, and it was t-shirt weather.  I got a tree moved, flowers moved, and bulbs set.  I also got my big walk with Sammy before tea.  Fire on and a movie before bed. 

I meant to get a snap of the garden, forgot, luckily I did take a photo of my makeshift picnic table desk.  13 years ago today, since I started at the museum, and missing it, but I do have a good view working from home.  This has a downside, I keep looking out, getting distracted with the fine day, and then finally gave in.  When I get back to work, I might have to put a permanent desk here.  Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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