Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Friday — Painted Sky

We enjoyed a late dinner this evening (because we had driven across town to get a special order of bread), so I got up from the dinner table to carry my plate to the sink and out the window I could see that the Painter had been creating a masterpiece in the sky. So . . .

Instantly I was out the front door to take a picture and realizing that I had missed the main event; I was seeing the grand finale. But what a finale it was!

Oh, and the bread order — On Instagram I follow the page of a gal who bakes bread. Each week she offers two different flavors of loaf bread and the one specialty bread. This week her specialty bread is potato rolls and she only makes them twice a year — Christmas and Easter. So I ordered a loaf of wheat, a loaf of whole grain, and a dozen potato rolls. It was the first time I have ordered from her and I did so because we are avoiding the grocery store during this ChinaVirus (Covid19) pandemic.

That was our Friday,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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