Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Saturday — Cayucos Pier

The afternoon was beautiful. The air was a bit chilly and the breeze was probably more like a wind. The shoreline population has decreased significantly since a week ago when the temperature felt almost like summer.

Because we were out of the house lots of hours this past week to avoid the new roof installation across the street, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go anywhere today; however, Chloe & Mitzi won the vote and we drove to Hardie Park and walked the entire block next to the park so they could get their quota of sniffing done for the day. Once around the block is about all they can do because they are no longer young pups full of excess energy.

Once we got the pups back in the car, we drove to look at the shore and I captured this photo.

From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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