By lizzie_birkett



I've been looking for my sun hat since we moved house 18 months ago. I had resigned myself to never seeing it again and thought I must have left it in a cupboard in the old house.

Well - due to Covid-19, Frank decided to brew some beer which he hasn't done for a couple of years. He brought all the equipment down form the attic and when he opened the fermenting bucket - guess what he found! Yes, my sunhat :-D
I now remember putting it in there at the last minute as it was a good place to avoid squashing it.

I'm watching the news over breakfast and getting annoyed that, as usual the politicians will not answer the questions asked of them.
I was very angry at the health secretary yesterday too for questioning where NHS staff who have contracted Covid-19 -may have caught the virus - insinuating that they may have caught it outwith the hospital - so is he trying to get out of taking the blame for the lack of PPE? Also he suggested that some staff were not using the PPE efficiently enough and wasting it!!!

Today, I need to bake bread and I'll make some scones. We have no easter eggs, in fact no choccy! That's OK though I'm not that bothered about chocolate lately.
Then I'll carry on painting some stones.

It's not sunny outside today but maybe it will brighten up later.
Sabrina phoned and said the girls love their Lego Easter Bunny sets and little Lucy likes the carob buttons I got them. She can't have normal chocolate as she's allergic to the cocoa butter.

I wish you all a Happy Easter - love, peace and blessings :-)

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