Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown Day 20: slowing down

I thought long and hard about what to use for a photograph today but settled on this image of an abandoned exercise wheel in the late afternoon sun. You can see it hasn’t had much use the last couple of days as there are cobwebs forming between the spokes. In truth, we are all slowing down a bit, perhaps inevitably after three weeks of lockdown. 

My idleness is governed at least in part by my wildly fluctuating energy levels which mean that sometimes I have no option but to crash on an involuntary basis. 

Today was Easter Sunday and we observed the most important traditions of this special day, namely getting a shed load  of chocolate together (see extra). I particularly liked the big and very fecund bunny which to me is pure white chocolate fertility symbol, all rounded belly and pricked up ears.

Work continues on the great garden project, and today I created our very own outdoor café area. I am going to call this ED’s vegan café for reasons which I cannot disclose. It is in an area that is a morning sun trap and will definitely be a place where I go with my cup of coffee and my earphones, weather permitting. 

Today was another rather lovely and balmy 24° but the temperature is forecast to drop dramatically tomorrow to about half of that, although still dry and sunny.

Covid daily stats continue to appall. We have now recorded ten thousand deaths and although that is not the thin end of the wedge it certainly isn’t the thickest either. I have acquired a kindle book on the Flu epidemic of 1918-20 in the hope of learning some lessons from history.  Although I suspect I will simply end up depressing myself.

We talk regularly to the people next door through gaps in the hedge and today we were discussing how long Covid might all last. Interestingly our neighbour said that once this was all over he was not going to go back to his old way of life and for a while at least would avoid crowded places and people as much as possible. This contrasts sharply with the news that Manchester police had to shut down over 600 parties last week involving people who clearly were clearly not bothered about the virus and anecdotally we hear through friends about people who are still holding social gatherings of up to 20 people.

Strange times ...

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