1. The blind I made for the kitchen today (nearly finished, anyway).
2. The final realisation that I have to go to the optician. I have self-diagnosed myself with an increased astigmatism in both eyes, increased short-sightedness in both eyes and, most depressingly, long-sightedness in my right eye. Bifocals cannot be far ahead of me (though frankly whether they were too close or too far ahead I wouldn't be able to see them clearly).
Mostly today was sewing. My fingers aren't happy with that but, with my 'strong' (read manly, chunky or just plain fat) fingers it is very hard to find a thimble to fit. I'm also distressed that I just typed 'fimble' instead of 'thimble' and had to look at it for a whole minute before I could figure out what was wrong.
Mr B is in London, so my sole face-to-face grown-up conversation today was with the nice lady in the shoe shop. TallGirl has, finally, discovered the joys of shoes/clothes shopping. I think I'm going to regret encouraging that. CarbBoy (pasta twice today - I am a bad mother) was asking about what's happened to Timbuktu since it was on the radio; I explained as best I could and when he heard that old buildings and books had been damaged/destroyed he shook his head slowly and wisely and said "Their mums are going to really tell them off". I told him I wasn't sure they were the kind of folk who listened to their mums any more - and oh my, the look of shock on his face. How could anyone not listen to their mum?
(Forgot to call mine again tonight.)
In other news: Sunshine! At least for some of the day. Still some showers though - with the ground so saturated that any rain that falls just sits sullenly in muddy puddles. No-one here can remember such a wet winter. Why when I move to the south of France do they have to have the coldest and then the wettest winters on record? Pah. Perhaps I need to be more far-sighted about this....
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