From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A Night for Voodoo

I sat up far too late last night watching the second series of American Horror Story. Not sure why I did it really. One particularly grisly bit sent me into the kitchen to empty the tumble drier! The blood curdling screams were setting my teeth on edge. Miraculously, I had no nightmares. I just felt 180 when I got up and looked 250.

Today, I cringed through the first two tennis sets with Andy Murray but then switched over to watch Friends. Poor Andy! When I switched back a little later he was collecting his second place prize - a silver platter - and he limped up to collect it. I couldn't help but think his platter was an ideal size for feeding the birds. Hmmmmm.

It was off to Stratford again to meet FrankS for a pint in the Garrick after that. I did get a really nice shot of Frank with my phone but on the way home got some amazing shots of the moon with my proper camera. Imagine how cross I was when I checked my pictures and got the message 'No memory card!' I expect you all heard me swearing... I stomped upstairs to get changed but I was thrilled to see the moon smiling at me through the branches of the tree opposite. Once I'd stopped howling, I managed to get a few decent shots..

Track? This was chosen by Frank when I sent him a text message but goes quite perfectly with the picture I think - Voodoo Child

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