From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Put your lights on

Hooray! The snow is on the way out! I felt shattered all day due to the constant dripping outside my window all night. I think the guttering needs clearing or something. I'd be just starting to doze lulled by the rhythm of the water and then the evil monster outside would give an extra loud shout - 'DRIP!'

Apart from anything else the running water made me keep wanting to go to the loo!

When I looked out this morning, my icicle was still there.

There was the usual trip to Stratford for a couple of pints in the Garrick and a trip to Robert Dyas! That shop is brilliant and sells everything. Amongst all the garden stuff at the end were bird tables, feeding stations and loads of seeds and grains. I did buy a couple of odds and ends but I won't go on as it's getting late.

The picture was taken on the way home. I don't know whether they forgot to put the light on over the sign or the bulb has blown.

Track? Sorry, it's a repeat but I love this Santana one - Put Your Lights On

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