CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

A bit of brightness

A dull dry day

There is a definite pattern to my days which gives real structure. Early morning, I write my Daily Encouragement email - then 30 mins steps on the Wii board - after lunch, some phone calls or Listening Service appointments - a walk of around 2 to 3 miles - relaxing in the evening, including contact with family or church.

I certainly don’t feel the days are long or wasted. I don’t want this present emergency to last a moment longer but I do think we need to take care of our mental wellbeing, especially if we are not working and limited time outside.

On our walk today, we passed this lovely planter full of tête á tête daffodils, which brightened an overcast day.

I was deeply moved this morning by the long interview with 99 year old Captain Tom, who has now raised 15 million pounds for NHS charities. He did the last of 100 laps of his garden and was met by a guard of honour of soldiers from his old Regiment. It was a moment of joy in the midst of all the dreadful news of so many deaths because of Covid_19.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you should get it on the internet.

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