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After the wonderful photo opportunities offered by the spectacular snow scenes, we were back to grey overcast conditions. Rain and serious winds are now forecast from lunchtime so this morning offered an opportunity to do boring things like get the car washed and restock with peanuts.

I took both cameras with me just in case, but things weren't looking good. No unusual light patterns. I decided to try for a skyline of a local church which would have involved me pulling into a small car park by the Heathland. As I approached, I followed a horse and rider.

I got out of the car and she called to me. Would I hold her horse. She needed to retrieve the traffic cone that is usually used to keep the gate open just while the riders do the short walk. Someone had thrown it into the brook.

I'm not good with horses (my sister and one of my brothers have real gifts) but I rather liked this friendly one, who clearly realised that I was helping out.

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