
Nate is right handed, but insists on playing the guitar left-handed...we think it's because of watching Marcial who plays left-handed. The kids were listening to the Spanish charity song that's been released to raise money for Caritas - we all love it, it's called Resistiré.
A day of school work, loads of maths and Catalan, cooking a lentil stew for us and a couple of friends who are still on the street, making a 'mystery' cake that was decidedly awful (waaaay too gingery), making a load more ginger shots (extra - today's ginger, honey and cinnamon defrosting), making a big fresh juice, a Zoom meeting with the 24-7 team, stories with the kids etc etc etc. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Courageous conversation.
2) Ginger shots.
3) Good fun in the WhastApp group for the cousins - one of us (Piers) is 40 today! Lots of banter and laughs. 

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