mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis


This is my 10yr old black Labrador. She has that sort of sad look about her all the time unless she's on her back having her tummy rubbed - then she looks like she's smiling!

After going to the gym this morning in sharp frost, the weather took a nose-dive and ended up cold, wet and very blustery! I didn't set foot outside for the rest of the day! Millie and Tia just got a gentle help up the backside to encourage them to go outside and do their business!

I'm lucky that we have a couple of acres for them to run around in so if I don't take them for a walk, they still stretch their legs! Labradors will do as much or as little walking as you want them to!

Hopefully I'll get out tomorrow and be able to take some decent photo's.. It'll probably be of floods..

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