Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

First Day of Spring

Fog is the view this first day of spring arrived with. Didn't matter because I knew that we were going to meet with the CPA to have our 2008 income taxes prepared and for some stupid reason getting ready for this appointment has been grueling this time. I knew the CPA would clear the fog.

We left the house half past eight and stopped at Kaiser Medical Center so I could have a blood test (as if life hasn't been enough of a test lately). Had my blood tested a couple weeks ago and I did not like the results so I am challenging them. Can you tell I am somewhat obstinate (sorry). Several weeks ago I didn't know they were going to test my blood and I had not fasted for 12 hours. So we're testing it again.

Left the medical facility to head south to Temecula. Got there an hour ahead of our appointment so we had time for breakfast. That was welcomed.

Then on to meet with the CPA. He was so calm, cool, and collected that Mr. Fun and I decided that he must have been on drugs (kidding), but it is nice that these financial types are so mellow. And me, I wanted to rip my hair out--this whole ordeal has made me crazy. Forty-five minutes later he calmly dismissed us after congratulating us that our financial advisor in Orange County had gotten us out of the stock market this past year before it tanked. Wow! The financial advisor had told us that, but to have it confirmed by the CPA was extremely comforting. Our financial advisor is a wonderful guy who 30 years ago was a pudgy adolescent from a single parent home who was a star pupil in our jr. high youth group at church. Amazing what the years produce.

Before saying goodbye to us, the CPA never told us whether we are going to get a refund, owe money, or break even. I exited his office pretty much not caring. I was just so glad that Mr. CPA thought all my preparation had produced all the info that he needed to get the tax forms completed successfully.

A couple blocks from the CPA office, Mr. Fun stopped the car so I could blip a fountain--beautiful (part of today's montage). Later in the day we stopped at the Galleano Winery because they have a lovely picnic ground (Bob dog hates it--they have signs that read: "Positively No Dogs!"). But it is truly a lovely place. The geese and the flowers were blipped at the winery grounds where we also saw a couple of mules and an pen of six dozen or so guinea pigs--so cute. At the winery, I thought about Jesus turning water to wine and all I am capable of doing is whining! Oops! :-(

We left Galleano's to drive a bit further north toward Mt. Baldy (sorry Zou Clay, I did not blip Baldy because the air quality here today was hazy), so we had dinner at Spaghetti Eddy's in Rancho Cucamonga. We ordered garlic puffs (scrumpious), Ceasar salad, Mr. Fun had spaghetti with meat sauce, and I ordered OGT (olive oil, garlic, and fresh tomatoes on angel hair--delicious). We were too full to top it off with tiramasu. On the drive home we both felt like we need to oink a little--we were so full.

This Friday--the beginning of spring--has been a very good day!
Good night from Southern California were spring came in feeling like summer, but the weather people are predicting rain for this weekend. We hope your spring has started as well as ours did.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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