Woodhenge of Tampere

A massive amount of linden trunks cut and piled during the tram construction of Tampere. This is the idea to use them. A Woodhenge.

The nature conservation association Wild Zone made a sketch of how the idea would be implemented. More than 50 linden trunks were used for this woodhenge as the city of Tampere made this installation.

The artificial tree concentration of deciduous trees serves as a monitoring site for biodiversity: what decaying fungi, insects and birds it manages to attract. Decaying trees can prevent endangerment of species.

- This is a model example of how a lot of decaying wood can be left in one place in one fell swoop. For example, we follow dwarfs, mosses, lichens and insects. They benefit a lot from decaying deciduous tree trunks.
It seems that someone was flying a drone there as I passed by with my husband. The Woodhenge it along the way to Hervanta, where our son lives. Tonight our daughter asked us to drive her there for a night visit, so I got this nice shot (when hubby driving).


The situation in Corona is, that total of 177 deaths caused by the coronavirus have been reported in Finland. 

There are less than five deaths in each of the 30-39, 40-49, and 50-59 age groups, nine in the 60-69 age group, 27 in the 70-79 age group, 66 in the 80-89 age group, and over the 90 age group.

4395 official tested contaminations
138 hospitalized
61 in ICU

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