Listening and waiting

Anya listening avidly to the final chapter of The Secret Garden. We both loved the book and it’s been a precious time during this lockdown period; sitting together in our own garden whilst we read.

Most of the day I was distracted whilst we awaited news from the hospital about my Dad...

Dad was rushed to hospital yesterday, a suspected stroke! He’s had all sorts of tests today and two different medications. He had a procedure this morning but so far it has made no difference. He has a loss of movement on the left side and slurred speech so they will need to do another head scan tomorrow to check there is no brain bleed . They are a bit baffled as monitoring shows no problems anywhere & he is not classic candidate for stroke. If no brain bleed they hope he can come home soon with a monitor on. They did say they would have expected some improvement by now so it’s a bit of a worry

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